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    As an Ostomate, Renew Inserts may be suitable for you, but it is important you discuss this with your Healthcare Professional, prior to receiving a starter pack.

    For further information please contact us on 0800 542 0814 or send an enquiry below.

    It is important to discuss your symptoms with a Healthcare Professional prior to receiving a starter pack
    For further information please contact us on 0800 542 0814 or send an enquiry below.

    As an Ostomate, Renew Inserts may be suitable for you, but it is important you discuss this with your Healthcare Professional, prior to receiving a starter pack.

    For further information please contact us on 0800 542 0814 or send an enquiry below.

    Please check for your country in the International distributors section if you are outside of the UK. We cannot provide samples outside of the UK.

    Your Questions about Renew Inserts

    • How do I know when the Renew Insert is properly in place?

      When the Renew Insert is properly in place, the top disc is resting just inside the rectum and the bottom disc is just outside the anus. You should not feel any discomfort.

    • How long can I wear a Renew Insert?

      Renew Inserts may be worn continuously, day and night. A single Renew Insert can be worn until your next bowel movement, or changed as desired. After one is expelled, you may replace it with a new Renew Insert. Never use more than one Insert at a time.

    • How do I know what size Renew Insert to use?

      You should first use the Regular size Renew Insert. If you find that the Renew Insert comes out at unexpected times or if you experience leakage, try the Large size Renew Insert. If you experience discomfort discontinue use and speak to your health care professional.

    • What are some insertion positions?

      You may want to sit on the toilet or try standing with one foot up on the toilet or squatting. You should use whichever insertion position is most comfortable for you.

    • Can a Renew Insert get lost inside my body?

      No. Clinical research has shown that Renew Inserts come out with a person’s next bowel movement. The Renew Insert is designed so the top and bottom discs hold it in place in the anal canal between the rectum and anus. In the unlikely event a Renew Insert moves into the anus, it will be naturally expelled with your next bowel movement.

    • What if the Renew Insert comes out when I go to the toilet and pass wind (gas) or urinate?

      The Renew Insert is designed to be expelled with a bowel movement, but occasionally it may come out if you are sitting on the toilet and passing wind (gas) or urinating. If this happens, simply replace it with a new Renew Insert. If you are using a Regular size Renew Insert and this happens frequently, you may want to try the Large size Renew Insert.

    • Will I be able to pass wind (gas) with the Renew Insert in place?

      Yes. The Renew Insert still allows for the passage of wind (gas). If you are using a Large size Renew Insert and feel discomfort from wind (gas), try a Regular size Renew Insert.

    • Can I bathe and be physically active when I’m wearing my Renew Insert?

      Yes. You can do all of your activities while using a Renew Insert.

    • Will I feel the Renew Insert in place?

      Most people can feel the Renew Insert in place when they first try them. This feeling will pass with use. It’s a similar sensation to wearing your watch on the wrong wrist, you notice it at first, but it soon disappears.

    • How often should I use the Insert?

      Initially we suggest you try to use the Renew Insert daily. This helps you to master the Insertion technique that suits you best and for your body to become accustomed to wearing them. Over time the Renew Insert will hopefully give you that added layer of confidence you are looking for.

    • Will I always have to use the Renew Insert?

      This will be dependent on your clinical reason for use of the insert.  Some users only need inserts whilst waiting for surgery, others may use them for long term, to provide symptom relief. Your doctor or healthcare professional will be able to advise you on your specific requirement.

    • Is the Insert available on the NHS?

      Yes. It is available on prescription in boxes of 30 of your preferred size. A FREE starter pack is available for you to assess the most appropriate size.

      Order a free starter pack here.